Love Love Peace Peace – how to win Eurovision

A song about love? Check. Also about peace? Check. Epic key change? Yes yes yes, check. Petra Mede & Måns Zelmerlöw were the highlight of Eurovision 2016.
Mission Eurovision’s 2016 Party

We were R E A D Y; ‘Best of British’ theme, menu planned, cocktails planned, party games all set, and a killer fancy dress outfit.
Eurovision 2016 Christmas Party!

Mission Eurovision donned our best sparkly Santa hats and headed out in the tropical Stockport rain to The Plaza. The show was a whole lot of fun, with performances from the stars of Eurovision such as Nicki French, Sonia, Katrina (and not the waves), Joe & Jake, Bucks Fizz (apparently) and Scooch.
Stockholm 2016: Mission Eurovision’s Eurovision Mission

Go to Stockholm, you say? Attend the Eurovision semi-finals, for real? YES PLEASE! Mission Eurovision packed our bags and went to experience Eurovision live, three nights in a row.
Eurovision costume ideas: country puns

These pun-based ‘fancy dress’ costumes are easy to pull together. Featuring Sir Beer, Mulled Over and Grease…
Our top 10 Eurovision 2016 entries: part two

Our round-up of the best entries in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (part two), featuring the United Kingdom – obviously – and the potential winner…
Our top 10 Eurovision 2016 entries: part one

Here are our tips on who to watch out for in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (part one), featuring a naked man and some wolves…